Facilities Usage Indemnity Agreement with Insurance

Trustees of St. Patrick's Cathedral in the City of New York 


DATES OF FACILITY USAGE: 1/1/2022 - 12/31/2022

TYPE OF FACILITY USAGE: services at cemeteries owned and operated by the Trustees, including Calvary Cemetery, Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Ascension Cemetery, Resurrection Cemetery and St. Ann's Cemetery. 

To the fullest extent permitted by law, the FACILITY USER agrees to defend, protect, indemnify and hold harmless the TRUSTEES OF ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL against and from all claims and suits arising out of the work of the above named FACILITY USER or any of its agents, family members, officers, volunteers, helpers, partners, organizational members or associates which arise out of the identified FACILITY USAGE at the TRUSTEES OF ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL. 

FACILITY USER agrees to provide a certificate of insurance to the TRUSTEES OF ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL, which provides evidence of general liability coverage of not less than five million dollars ($5,000,000) per occurrence. FACILITY USER also agrees to have the TRUSTEES OF ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL named as an “Additional Insured" on its general liability policy for the DATE(S) OF FACILITY USAGE in relationship to the TYPE OF claims which arise out of FACILITY USER'S activities or are brought against the TRUSTEES OF ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL by FACILITY USERS' employees, agents, partners, family members, students, customers, function attendees, guests, invitees, organizational members or associates. FACILITY USER also agrees that its general liability insurance policies will be primary and non-contributory insurance to any other insurance available to the additional insured with respect to claims arising hereunder. 

If FACILITY USER fails to comply with the aforementioned condition, then to the fullest extent permitted by law the FACILITY USER agrees to protect, defend, hold harmless and fully indemnify the TRUSTEES OF ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL for any claim or cause of action whatsoever arising out of or related to the usage which takes place during the identified DATE(S) OF FACILITY USAGE that is brought against the TRUSTEES OF ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL by the FACILITY USER or its employees, agents, partners, family members, students, customers, function attendees, guests, invitees, organizational members or associates, even if such claim arises from the actual or alleged negligence of the TRUSTEES OF ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL, its employees or agents, or the negligence of any other individual or organization. If any part of this agreement is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance thereof shall continue in full legal force and effect. 

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Document name: Facilities Usage Indemnity Agreement with Insurance
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Timestamp Audit
March 8, 2021 12:03 pm ESTFacilities Usage Indemnity Agreement with Insurance Uploaded by Allied Cemeteries - megan.warner@webcemeteries.com IP
March 8, 2021 12:05 pm ESTCemetery Office - vendorportal@archny.org added by Allied Cemeteries - sites@webcemeteries.com as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
December 16, 2022 10:57 am ESTCemetery Office - vendorportal@archny.org added by Allied Cemeteries - megan.warner@webcemeteries.com as a CC'd Recipient Ip: